Sunday, June 30, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party

Hey Bloggers!

I've been crazy lazy lately.... I think I deserve it though. I went to a 3 day IB 101 course to learn about the program and its components. I learned a lot, but I am still worried about how to implement the program to fidelity while also keeping up with Common Core and state standards.... real world teacher problems right?

Anyways, I am linking up with Mrs. Reed at Flying into First Grade for her Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party. Here's how it works: You choose three topics in a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) like a tic-tac-toe board and share about each topic.

 I am going to share about the first vertical row.

I went to _______ college and a favorite memory

I went to Auburn University, otherwise known as the "loveliest village on the Plains".  War Eagle! I had an AMAZING experience at Auburn. I was super involved in everything from college recruitment to admissions office, and from College of Education Student Council to joining a wonderful sorority. My absolute favorite memory, however, was enjoying the wonderful football games and tailgates. Even if I did not go to a game, I was definitely at a tailgate enjoying the atmosphere... and the food.

Share about your first year of teaching

Wow! My first year was truly survival of the fittest. I taught third grade in Opelika, AL (5 minutes from Auburn). I had absolutely no experience teaching that grade level and did not think I would enjoy it at all, but a job was a job. However, after that one year, I realized that this was the PERFECT grade.. seriously!! I loved everything about that year. I cherished the kids and my wonderful coworkers. The kids were my guinea pigs and I loved testing developing my teaching practices with them. It was honestly one of the best first year teaching experiences anyone could ask for.

My favorite grade to teach and why

Well, I pretty much mentioned it above but I will reiterate it again... THIRD GRADE ROCKS! I am kind of bias because it is the only grade I have taught, except Kindergarten for my internship. Does that count? Anyways, the kiddos at this grade are at the perfect age were they admire their teacher, are eager to please, love to learn, and their personalities are beginning to flourish and shine. They understand my sarcasm wit and humor, and  they are independent and creative. If I ever had to move to another grade, which I think is coming next year, I would want to stay as close to third grade as possible, like 2nd or 4th.  If you have never tried teaching this grade, you seriously should consider it! Like call your principal right now and request a grade change... all joking aside :)

Well, that's a little about me. As always visit Mrs. Reed at Flying into First Grade and join the party!

1 comment:

  1. I'm your newest Bloglovin' follower, thanks to the Flying into First Grade linky party.

